Liven up your space with Framebridge
If you've been around for the past few months, you'll know that my partner, Chase and I have been on a home remodel journey. Now that most of that is out of the way, we are finally adding the finishing touches to our space. A few months ago, we partnered with our friends at Framebridge. You can check out my first post HERE. I shared the process, and I also discussed my reservations towards sending very valuable art out via mail. Now that all of those details are out of the way, I want to talk about how you can liven up your space with some well-framed art.
Our home is set up sort of strangely. Well, I should explain. Homes in the South West are set up rather strangely. Where I'm from, back in the North East, ceilings aren't very high, and the majority of the homes are smaller. That makes it a little easier to decorate. So after putting up all of our main pieces, we found that there were a lot of weird empty spots in our general living space.For example, there's this wall (pictured above) that you see as soon as you walk in, but you don't really see too much when you are hanging out in the living room. We thought it would be great to put a BOLD and clean piece there. Something that would catch our guests' eyes as soon as they walk in. While not being distracting as that piece is so close to the television.
We also have another strange space that you can only see when you're headed towards the bathroom or bedrooms/offices. The space is big enough where we could do something like a photo collage or a series of prints. However, I found that because that wall gets minimal view, we'd place another bold piece there. There is enough room for the viewer to stop and admire it, and it's on the other side of the television, so again we kept in mind the limiting distraction.
Many of you asked why we decided to go with a black frame, rather than a frame with an accent color pulled from each piece. Here's my take on that. If you have a bold and colorful print or piece, having something neutral like wood or black really gives the piece life without taking away from the art. We love James Jean and we really wanted people to appreciate the art. I personally felt like adding color to the frame would have taken away from it. However, if color frames are your thing, Framebridge offers an array of options for your art.
Framebridge offers frames with texture, depth, and different sizing. I LOVE the thinner black look, but if left to my own devices, everything would have been framed in gold. I'm not sure that would've worked but I'm glad we went with what we did. Speaking of uncertainty, a lot of you asked about gallery walls but weren't sure where to begin. I understand Pinterest can only do so much, so I'm really excited to let y'all know that Framebridge offers Gallery Wall Consultations. Yes, someone will help you get your life and have the gallery wall of your dreams.
That's a service I'm glad they offer and I certainly need. We recently purchased this amazing collection of Wes Anderson prints. UGH. You guys. In my impatience and stubbornness, I figured I'd just go to IKEA and grab some frames. Negative. The frames although 11x16 as the prints required, did not fit. Two of them broke while we were trying to open them and they looked extra cheap in comparison to our professionally framed prints from Framebridge. Lesson learned. Framebridge has spoiled us.
That gallery wall will go right above our bed where the temporary print is. I'm really excited to get that framed and I'll keep you guys posted. It really just goes to show you that it pays to go the extra mile with your forever pieces. And the thing about frames is that they aren't like bed sheets or rugs. You don't need to change them out as your decor changes. The pieces remain the same and so your frames should be quality frames that last forever.I don't think we'll do these in black. Surprise! I know right? I'm not sure, but I'm going to consult with my friends at Framebridge because I really have no clue in this case. What do you guys think? Shoot me a DM or leave a comment below. It's going to look so amazing when it's done and I can't wait to continue sprucing up our space with pieces that mean the world to us.Again, I know this is sponsored, but please believe me when I say that even after trying to do it on our own, we really are Framebridge stans and we officially quit the cheap stuff. You can't beat affordable custom, quality framing that doesn't break when you open it and actually fits (because it's custom and not an impulsive result of a desperate IKEA run).Let me know if you guys have any questions. Until next time!xx