We Started a Podcast!
I'm so excited to be writing this today. My hustle sister, Liv and I have launched a podcast. If you've been around for a while, you know about Lady Hustle and how much it means to me. I won't bore you with the details and the story I've probably told a million times. We've been a blog, an online magazine, and a million other things. Now we are a freakin' PODCAST.I've always wanted Lady Hustle to be a community where people, especially women, could come together and be transparent. I chose the word hustle because as a woman, I hustle, and I hustle hard. Not just with work, but with life too. I mean, you guys have heard me talk about my depression and how I've hustled to come out of it time and time again. You've heard me discuss my career, love life, history, etc. Now you can listen to Liv and I discuss all of that, and SO MUCH MORE. Have you ever even met a more dynamic duo?
Liv approached me about transitioning Lady Hustle into a podcast a few weeks ago. We both bring such vastly different experiences to the table, yet we share many similarities. The most obvious difference is that Liv is a white woman, and I am a woman of color. That difference alone has made the way we navigate through life very distinct. This difference also allows us to bring our own perspectives to the conversation, which I think is important. Plus the last thing you want is to hear two people saying "yeah, totally. I agree" for hours on end.Full disclosure. We're both pretty scared about this. My personal fear is that I'm not feminist enough, or I say the wrong thing and everyone will cancel me, as we're so used to seeing in today's society. But the truth is, I don't know everything. The bigger truth is that no one does. So we want to research difficult topics. The easy ones too! We want to shoot the shit, but also learn along the way.Personally, Liv has been a very important part of my feminist journey. So have many women that you will hear us talk to and about. She has answered the billions of questions I have without judgment. Especially the ones that start with, "Okay. So this may sound pretty ignorant, but..." My girl, through and through.
I do have to clarify, that this would have not been possible without the many people who have supported Lady Hustle since day one. I remember sitting in my studio with my good friend Mimi and telling her all about my big dreams for LH. For years it was the three of us, and for a short little while we brought a few people on. Life got busy and I got SUPER busy. We've been on a hiatus for a few years now, but our community has always supported us. For that, I am eternally grateful.What I personally hope you get from this? I hope you learn something just like we'll learn new things along the way. That you feel encouraged to have tough conversations, and fun ones too. It's also my sincerest wish that we become great company during your commute and support during times where you need someone. Because that's how I've learned and unlearned a lot of the things I know now.Okay, so. Are you ready? Here's where you can find Lady Hustle Podcast.You can hit us up on Instagram. Listen to us on Spotify or iTunes. If you'd like to get in touch with us you can shoot us an e-mail at ladyhustlepodcast@gmail.com. Please rate, review and subscribe.I love you all so very much.xx