Switching from Convertkit to Flodesk


Happy Monday, friends!

I don't think I've been this excited about something in a really long time, so I'm gonna ask you to hang in there with me for this one. It won't be very long. I promise!

You all know I love sharing resources that change the way I hustle. Especially when it's for the greater good of my sanity and my business. Well, have I got a game-changing resource for you!

If you're on my newsletter list, you've received a few love notes from me. Get ready to get many more (not an obnoxious amount), because I found the newsletter service of my freakin' dreams. Allow me to introduce to you, Flodesk. It's like Squarespace and Mailchimp had a baby, but the baby was a genius and took care of itself. It's literally THAT easy to use.

I was using Convertkit for about half a year. That was a bit pricey, but because I wanted the ability to EASILY create an email automation, it was worth it. For those that don't know, an automation basically allows you to create different newsletter forms that do different things.

For example, if you visit my shop page, you'll see a sign up for for a free preset. That will automatically follow up by allowing you to download my free preset, PROFESH. I don't have to do anything but set it up once. Another example; when you sign up for my newsletter, you receive a welcome e-mail from me. It's cute. I swear!

I also love that they even share gorgeous and thorough statistics about your individual subscribers and your lists. And I know that you can do this with services like Convertkit and Mailchimp, but those platforms were way too complicated for me. If I'm being totally honest, I just didn't have the energy or mental capacity to invest hours into learning how to make those things function to my standards.

With Flodesk, it's literally just filling out STUNNING premade templates. Like no lie, I created my welcome email in SEVEN minutes. I created and changed all of the forms on my website in under an hour, and I was able to import my list of subscribers from Convertkit.

As if it couldn't get any better, I was having a bit of trouble with a few things and one of the team members from Flodesk literally jumped on a screen share call with me and walked me through the entire process. I MEAN OH MY STARS!

Oh, and did I mention it's founded by two bad-ass lady hustlers?!

Here's the deal, this isn't sponsored or anything. Quite frankly, I think I found them through an ad. I'm not even sure. But I do want you to know that there is better out there. Flodesk is $38 a month, but when you use my link HERE, you get 50% off which brings it to $19 a month. If you're a personal blog or a small business, you get UNLIMITED EVERYTHING. So now you see why I had to share like ASAP.

K that's it! Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter HERE, and if you're going to sign up for Flodesk, be sure to use my link for that discount.

Chat soon!



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